Sunday, August 21, 2011

Eeewh! Dog Licking Paws, Genitals and My Face

Dogs use their tongues for so many purposes. Human explore things with fingers and hands, obviously they do not have fingers, so they will explore using their tongues and their paws. Dog licking feet, paws, genitals and dog-owner’s face can be a cause of so many factors. It sounds so insane, dog licking its genitals and feet, let us first know why and what causes these. Dog licking could be a warning sign that it is time for you to take a closer look at your canine. 

Two Things to Consider in Dog Licking
·         There could be an underlying medical cause
·         Behavioural issue
Dog Licking their Genitals: Reasons
·         Genital discharges for female canine, its their natural way to clean themselves
·         A miscarriage
·         An infection in the urethra
·         Any inflammation in the genital area
·         Dog licking is very normal after giving birth
Dog Licking their Paws
·         Paws could be infected – they are irritated and its their way to soothe the feeling of irritation
·         Allergies – Some allergies cannot be seen and needs special attention from the expert, dog licking is their reaction to that allergy-causing factors.
·         Cysts or other irregular lumps or bumps – it is their natural behaviour to clean their coats, their face, their paws. If they notice irregular bumps, they will simply try to clean it with dog licking.
Dog licking their Master’s Face
·         Their way of getting positive attention – if they realized that you reciprocate their licking and consider it as cute and funny gesture. As dog-owner, expect a repetitive gesture and behaviour
·         Expression of submission
·         It can be a cause of nervousness and anxieties and dog licking is their way to relieve it
Dog Licking Translation for their Masters:
·         I’m not a threat
·         Look, I’m friendly
·         Please accept me and be kind to me
·         I want more
·         Please! I’m begging

Final Note
Underlying medical condition can be the root cause of dog licking. As responsible dog-owner, if your canine manifest excessive dog licking, its time for you to consult a Veterinarian. We may know so much about our canine, but there are important matters that require expert’s intervention. One of it is the SAFETY AND HEALTH of your canine. Be vigilant and always watch out for it.

About the Author:
If you want more information about dog training updates, tips, advice and products. I suggest you visit this site and enjoy your time with your canine